Postpartum Counseling for Depression & Anxiety

Flexible and virtual counseling for mothers in Decatur & surrounding areas, as well as across the State of Texas

Dr. Olivia is trained and certified by Postpartum Support International in assessing and treating perinatal mood and anxiety disorders and providing postpartum therapy.

Non-Clinical Services Offered: Prenatal & Postpartum Planning Sessions (1-3 Sessions) available for moms and dads - these are educational in nature with the goal of helping prepare for the fourth trimester and beyond.

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While you may have packed the most thorough hospital bag, selected the best stroller and car seat, and written a clear birth plan, you were prepared very little (if at all) for the realities of postpartum and how even the tiniest aspects of life change when your baby arrives. It is very common that women (and their families) are completely caught off guard with struggles related to postpartum mental health. I can help!

With 1 in 7 mothers and 1 in 10 fathers experiencing perinatal mood and/or anxiety disorders, education and advocacy provides knowledge that can save lives. You are not alone!

 Postpartum counseling can help you go beyond feeling stuck to a place where you feel a renewed sense of hope and joy as you learn about parenthood, whether it is your first child or your fourth (or more).

Specialized Services Available:

Postpartum Planning & Education for Community Organizations and Medical Providers

1:1 Postpartum Planning & Education with Mothers & Their Loved Ones

Parenting Education & Classes: Topics related to maternal & paternal mental health, infant mental health, biological development of babies, and Circle of Security (an attachment-based parenting intervention and support program)

Specialized training for obstetrical providers, including midwives; doulas, chiropractors, pelvic floor physical therapists, lactation consultants, pediatricians, and childbirth educators on recognizing signs and symptoms of perinatal distress (including when and how to refer)

**Note: These services are not billable to insurance. Please see FAQ’s or email for more information.


Personal strengths and resources for achieving your goals


The struggles you are dealing with – you are not alone!


Immediate needs related to your mental health


A place of clarity and a renewed sense of hope and joy


My Approach to Postpartum Counseling

Everything we do together focuses on you. It is important to understand that you are ‘postpartum’ no matter the age of your child/children, but having a plan for dealing with the various issues associated with giving birth and bringing your baby home is usually an afterthought, which contributes to the stress, isolation, and various range of other emotions that follow.

According to Postpartum Support International, one in seven women experience distress related to perinatal mood changes, including depression and anxiety. When left untreated, symptoms may get worse. Support is essential, and recovery is possible. Anyone can suffer from perinatal mood and anxiety symptoms and disorders.

My approach to therapy validates the struggle and your emotions while helping you feel hopeful and happier in the midst of things that are hard. We will work together to prioritize your immediate needs and areas that are most problematic and in need of solutions.

More questions about postpartum counseling and how we’ll work together? Visit my FAQs page.

Motherhood is not meant to be done in isolation and without support.

You do not have to live another day overwhelmed, stressed out, and frustrated, questioning why you are depressed and anxious, or resenting those around you who seem to carry on as if your world wasn’t turned upside down following childbirth. Postpartum support and counseling can normalize aspects of parenting while validating your needs.
